Caring Ministries
"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
- Galatians 6:2
We seek individuals willing to joyfully serve the needs and answer prayers of those in our congregation. We welcome whatever level of volunteer time you are able to offer. There is no committee term, meeting participation, or minimum time commitment. Just say “yes” when you can and “not now” when you are not able.
Read further to learn more about how our Caring Ministries provide TLC in times of crisis for families or individuals. If you or someone you know is in need of any of these ministries, contact the church office or call 203-421-3241.
Called to Care
Is personal connection your special gift?
Consider joining this ministry, which works closely with the Pastor and the Deacons to ensure coverage for phone outreach and personal visits, as well as to recommend services of Caring Cooks, a prayer shawl, special prayers, or other services for the person or family in need that can be provided by the congregation.
Peter Haff, Coordinator
Contact the church office for more information
Caring Cooks
Having a home-cooked meal dropped off at the home of a family or individual dealing with medical issues, loss, or other family stress is most welcome. If you like to cook, this might be your opportunity to provide that meal.
Julie Abbott, Coordinator
Contact the church office​ for more information
Knitting Ministry
Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? This ministry lovingly makes prayer shawls while saying prayers for the future recipient. When completed, they are blessed during worship then chosen for each recipient. Recently, we have added more stitching opportunities. We make baby and child hats for New Reach, an organization involved in assisting families with housing insecurities. In addition, we knit and crochet hats and scarves to sell at the Madison Pride Festival in October as fund raiser for the ACLU. If you would like to learn to knit or crochet, we will be planning a workshop soon.
Lyn Boling, Coordinator
Contact the church office​ for more information
Prayer Ministry
Is personal prayer for those in need a way for you to feel closer to God?
You will be contacted via email by the team leader to respond through prayer to urgent requests for prayer. This team also maintains our prayer lists and sends out greeting cards to fit the need.
Linda Young, Coordinator
Contact the church office​ for more information