For over ten years we have been a welcoming Yoga community, committed to an affordable, healthy way to connect self-care and the Earth in a holistic and spiritual manner. Our next two series are below, though you are welcome to join us at any time during the series:
Is this the season to try out our self-care practice of Yoga. Join us and discover why we’re celebrating 11 years of Community Yoga, offering classes twice a week in person in Friendship Hall and on Zoom on Mondays or on Zoom on Thursdays. Our next 2 series begin Monday, January 13 and Thursday, January 16. Details by series are below:
Mondays at 6:00 pm
January 13 to February 10 (Note: Class on January 20th is Zoom only)
$40 for 5 classes (in-person or via Zoom)
Thursdays at 6:00 pm
January 16 to February 13 (no class January 23)
$32 for 4 classes (via Zoom)
​Walk-In Option - $10/class
We welcome all, regardless of membership at our church. We invite your friends and family to join as guests. Previous experience is recommended, but not required. Please choose one of the following payment options – please be sure clearly note “Yoga”:
Cash – please bring to the first class.
Check made out to NMCC/Yoga – please bring to the first class or mail to NMCC, 1271 Durham Road, Madison, CT 06443.
To register, please send an email to robertahanlon@msn.com, and indicate method of payment and which series you have selected.
Note: No students will be excluded for inability to pay. If this class fee creates a hardship, please ask about assistance.
Our Yoga Instructor
Vicki is a certified 500HR yoga instructor who completed her teaching at Yoga Farm in Ithaca, NY. She found her love for yoga right here at NMCC over 10 years ago when classes were first offered. She enjoys many types of yoga from gentle and restorative to hatha and vinyasa.
Vicki loves to share the gift of yoga with her friends, family and the NMCC community, as well as increasing her own focus on living more mindfully and enhancing her personal and spiritual growth. Her teaching style is a combination of gentle and vinyasa flow and she provides modifications and suggestions for varying levels of students throughout the class.
She is a strong believer in the importance of daily self-care and would be honored to have you join her class. Life is complicated, yoga is simple and can help you calm your mind, connect with your body and renew your spirit.
What Vicki’s students are saying:
“I keep forgetting to tell you that I love the readings you do at the end of practices.“
“Can I just say – you were meant to be a yoga teacher! You’re such a natural with your delivery and soothing voice. Namaste.”
"We actually feel happier after yoga."
"That was the best class ever! I was having trouble sitting cross legged today because my hips hurt so bad. At the end of class I felt super limber!!!"