caring for creation
Garden Outreach
Our Garden Rescue Team is a group of avid NMCC gardeners who care for NMCC named gardens, member gardens in need of extra help, as well as non-profit organizations along the shoreline and in New Haven. The team provided advice and education to shoppers at our Goodness Grows plant sale and contributed to our 2021 Tuesdays in the Garden series offering expertise and tours of NMCC and other friends gardens.
Champion: Roberta Hanlon
Sustainablilty Outreach
Sustainability is the conscious decision to conserve and protect natural resources for future generations. As a congregation caring for God’s creation, many efforts are being made to bring our building and activities to standards laid out by SustainableCT. To date we have reduced our carbon footprint and offered a model of sustainable practices for our church family and the wider community with several actions including: Solar system – installing solar panels on our roof. We agreed to “go solar” in our May Annual Meeting (2018); increased use of Green cleaning products; avoidance of Styrofoam or plastic plates, cups, bowls; reduced printing and copying of documents; recycling in Office and kitchen of paper, cardboard, kraft paper, metal & plastic containers, dry cell batteries; transition to LED lighting; conversion to low flow water-saving fixtures; annual Lenten or Earth Day calendar of actions for the home.
Champion: Tom Lauher
Contact Tom for more information
Exploring Our Local Ecosystems
The more we interact with the environment, the more we understand it and want to protect, respect and enjoy God’s creation. NMCC has hosted a series of events over the years to educate members and the community at large about the ecosystems of the Connecticut shoreline area and the issues affecting our environment such as: this year’s Caring for Creation Theme for Lent: exploring wilderness, dark sky, water, earth, plants, and animals; habitat education, landscaping with native species; invasive species awareness talks – Tuesdays in the Gardens and 2021 Garden tour and Plant Sale; green Up Clean Up and Beach Sweep walks and talks with our youth.
Champion: Heather Crawford
Contact Heather for more information