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Join us at 9:30 AM every Sunday(Summer Hours)
10:00 am worship resumes September 8

We're a welcoming spiritual community seeking to deepen a relationship with God through positive life change, caring for all creation, and sharing the joy of love and service.

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Open and Affirming

We welcome the authenticity of each member, and affirm the dignity and worth of every person. Together, we create a safe inclusive community where we are called to witness God’s love for the world.

Who We Are

We are a spiritual home of believers and questioners, people from a range of backgrounds and faith perspectives, who come together to worship God and serve God’s creation.


Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. 


All are welcome.

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Supporting our Community

We enthusiastically seek opportunities for our church to enrich and serve our community. 

Circle Nursery School

CNS is a non-denominational outreach program of the North Madison Congregational Church.

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