One of the most beautiful words in ANY language is — WELCOME!!!
Just hearing the word conjures up warm images of loving smiles, open arms and being joyfully INCLUDED. But we have all experienced the opposite feeling too — that awful, sad emptiness in the pit of your stomach when you are being purposefully ignored or left out… so it is especially reassuring when everyone in the congregation hears the words that UCC churches everywhere affirm:
“Whoever you are,
and wherever you are on life’s journey,
AND — as an Open and Affirming church, we have gone one step further in extending “extravagant welcome” when at NMCC, we say that:
It doesn’t matter what you look like,
how much money you have,
how old you are,
whom you love,
how smart you are,
or what mistakes you may have made — —
all are WELCOME — and all are WANTED!
A dear friend recently gifted me with a little book called HEARTICULATIONS: ON LOVE, FRIENDSHIP AND HEALING by Jeff Brown. Each page has a wise and illuminating thought to ponder… Some include several paragraphs and others are quite short — as is this one:
“We are not just here to keep each other company,
We are here together to show each other GOD…
The portal is — — EACH OTHER.”
Other people are not simply taking up space in this world. EVERY single person is made in God’s image... Each one wears the face of God.
This Sunday is WELCOME HOME SUNDAY! At NMCC, warm smiles, open arms and joyful inclusion are what we are all about… There is a place for EVERYONE.
We come together as a family in Christ — and we greet all who gather with signs of welcoming love. EACH PERSON we meet is a precious being - a “portal” for experiencing God … an “incarnation” or embodiment of the Divine. ♥️
A hymn we all know and love is called GATHER US IN by Marty Haugen. (Click here to listen)
The text boldly declares:
“HERE in this place a NEW LIGHT is shining…”
And — Good News! It’s not in some future time or place — but NOW — HERE!
AND it is within each and every person present.
This particular WELCOME HOME SUNDAY promises to be even more exciting and fun than ever! Not only will we have Brunch Church (YUM!!! ) but, gathered at tables, through the expertise of guest facilitator The Rev. Paul Nickerson, we will search together for new and better ways to listen and communicate with each other, so that we can all better BECOME the LIGHT that our hurting world so desperately needs.
♥️🌟♥️ So, will you JOIN us??? YOU are WELCOME!!! ♥️🌟♥️