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prison ministry guest speaker & lunch


You can feel it deep down: you sense God calling our communities to more. Our neighbors are hurting; we want to make changes, but we are not sure what to do. We have tried charity; we have tried mission—but we see little change. God has shared a strong vision in which the stranger is welcomed, the orphan is clothed, and the prisoner is set free. A call to be community with dignity and equity: God’s Beloved Community. But how do we become that community? Faith organizing is one faithful path.


Please join us on Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 10:00 as we welcome guest minister and speaker Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker.


Dr. Baker is Assistant Professor of Community Engagement and Director Contextual Education at Eden Theological Seminary in Saint. Louis. A dynamic preacher and sought-after speaker, she is a certified trainer of faith-based community organizing in the Gamaliel network (Metropolitan Congregations United—MCU) and anti-racism for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is a foundational leader of MCU's Break the Pipeline campaign dismantling the “school to prison pipeline” in Missouri.  At Eden Seminary, she teaches church planting, youth ministry, preaching, faith-based community organizing, anti-racism/anti-caste, vocational resilience, and pastoral formation.


Like many in St. Louis (including her seminary colleague and our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Heather Arcovitch), Dietra was deeply engaged in the Ferguson Uprising, where she became a leader in the MCU Clergy Caucus, organizing churches and leaders in rapid response to front line leaders protesting in the streets.


This Sunday, NMCC’s growing Prison Ministry has invited Dietra to preach in the sanctuary on the moral and religious aspects of ministering to those in prison and to teach after worship about faith-based community engagement at a catered luncheon outside. Friends are encouraged—you won’t want to miss it!

Sign up today to reserve your lunch and attend the conversation: sign-up genius link (or contact the church office at   Donations are welcome to help out with the lunch. Please indicate your name and the number attending. Final RSVPs due by Thursday, September 15.

 “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Hebrews 13:3) What would Jesus do? Come and we will reflect together!

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