CHRISTMAS IN JULY? Whaaaaaaaaat???? It’s bad enough that we are already seeing “back to school” items in the stores and soon candy corn and pumpkins will start showing up… But CHRISTMAS?!
That indeed is what we are calling our worship this Sunday — Christmas in July!
WHY? Because the good news of the birth of LOVE into the world is good for EVERY DAY — AND — I wonder if we might consider that news differently in July when we’re not deluged with all the activities we feel compelled to do in December? Here is the ultimate question to ask ourselves:
All of our usual Christmas activities are really fun!! We LOVE the decorating, the gift giving, the cookie baking, the carol singing, the special food, the visiting of friends and family — but they really have nothing to do with the REAL meaning of Christmas UNLESS we are continually considering that question.
An anthem the choir will sing this Sunday — THOU SHALT KNOW HIM WHEN HE COMES composed by Hal Hopson (click here to listen) — puts it this way:
“Thou shall know Him when he comes Not by any din of drums Nor the manner of His airs Nor by anything He wears; Thou shalt know Him when he comes Not by His crown or His gown But His coming known shall be —
by the holy harmony His coming makes in thee.” In the peaceful beauty of this lovely summer day, perhaps you will ponder what “holy harmony” Jesus’ coming makes within YOUR heart? ♥️