If you were the kind of kid who got into trouble now and then, you might possibly have heard these words…
This punishment was meant to keep you relegated to the confines of home — stuck in one place so (presumably) you couldn’t get into any MORE mischief!
As an adult, however, if someone were to say to you “You are grounded…” it would be quite a nice COMPLIMENT — indicating that you are a person whose priorities are in the right place, with ability to make good decisions — having a calm and well-balanced approach to life.
St. Paul expanded the meaning even further…
In preaching to the struggling Christians of Ephesus, he encouraged them to be faithful, reminding them that they were never alone… that through the Holy Spirit, Jesus was ALWAYS present to them… that he was in their hearts — a part of their very being!
The result ??? They — and all of US too, are —
Once we truly invest ourselves in being ROOTED — like an unshakeable mighty tree — we will have both feet planted firmly in the GROUND of love. THEN we can begin the process of going deeper and deeper and yes — even DEEPER — into that LOVE!
At that point, we will feel what THE MESSAGE describes as “the extravagant dimensions” of CHRIST’S LOVE —
"Reach out and experience the breadth!
Test its length!
Plumb the depths!
Rise to the heights!“
So at last, you are totally filled up to the brim with LOVE — with GOD. The challenge?
To KEEP those roots in the ground of that amazing Love.
We can SO easily become so SELF-absorbed that we forget the source of our nourishment, becoming UN-rooted and walking off into our own directions, relying only on our own ideas — “grounded” no longer… It is then that our roots wither and dry out and we wonder“ WHY is it that my life is “missing something???“
This Sunday our choir will share one of our favorite anthems — MAY OUR ROOTS GO DEEP — which exquisitely expresses the message of Ephesians 3: 17 -19. Click here to listen … and then plan to join us on Sunday when we begin our Lenten journey together.
As you listen, pondering the meaning of the text, you might ask yourself: