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I love the story of the little girl in church school who was totally engrossed in her drawing.  When questioned, she declared  “I am drawing a picture of God!”

“But sweetheart, no one knows what God looks like, you know... ”  to which she replied, “Well they WILL when I’m done!!”

Do you recall  the story of a monastery whose community was dwindling?  The faith life of the monks was weak and anxious.  The abbot in charge went to his friend, the rabbi, and wept. The rabbi comforted him and said “there is something that you need to know, my brother ——  I know that the Messiah is one of YOU.”

“What??!  How can this be?”  he wondered.

But, returning to his monastery he began to treat each of his brothers differently, with even deeper reverence and respect.  The brothers noticed and asked “Why, Father?”  He told them and word spread quickly that the Messiah was one of THEM!

The monastery suddenly was full of life, love and grace and each monk even began to treat himSELF with love and respect — on the chance that he might be the ONE...

Because of its extraordinary aura of love, people from far and wide were drawn to this place — and thanks to the wise rabbi’s amazing gift of putting the face of God on every single person, the monastery became a thriving order and a beacon of peace, love and hope!

Years ago, upon hearing that story, I was moved to write a hymn, using the tune LANCASHIRE.  Click here to hear the tune played, and sing along to the words I wrote --

God each of us created to be God’s face on earth...       

God’s hands, God’s heart — embodied — each spirit having worth.       

God’s love for each is endless, God’s vision for us — strong!       

God’s wish for each to flourish... to our best selves belong.       

Too oft we think we’re lacking the strength that others boast       

And in unworthy thinking we hide what God loves most —       

Our gifts, our truth, our loving —  the worth that’s ours alone...        

Help me O God to treasure the self you call your own.         

In each and every person the Face of You resides.        

Our call? — to find and nurture that seed where LOVE abides. 

We grow in strength together, connecting soul to soul 

And in uplifting others, ourselves become more whole.

AMEN!             AMEN!!            AMEN!!!

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