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Musings from linda 6/7/24

Linda Juliani

What do these quotes from these well-known people have in common?


“Into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”  - John Muir, wilderness advocate (1838-1914)


“For years, every morning , I drank from Blackwater Pond… so come to the pond or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing and put your lips to the world.”  - Mary Oliver, poet (1935-2019)


“…in my bed in Nashville, with my cat Meredith…”  - Taylor Swift, singer (b. 1989 )


“I am still devoted to the garden… though an old man, I am but a young gardener.”  - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

If you guessed that each one was describing a FAVORITE PLACE — you are correct!


How would YOU describe a favorite spot in your own life?


Each of us has one — and most likely—  several places…  places where we can escape the push and pull of daily demands  —  To restore, renew, re-charge our weary spirits.


…places which provide safety — comfort — freedom — joy — peacefulness... 

·         Sometimes, we have to travel to these places — a summer cottage, a mountain village in Switzerland, a waterfall in Maine, the ocean, our old hometown…

·         Sometimes they are close by — our own garden, a beloved comfy chair and a good book, in the arms of a loved one, sitting on the porch, spending special time with a dear friend…

·         And sometimes we can go to those places only in mind and heart — where they are held in precious memory  — but still are able to bless with comfort, joy, love…

We are all so different — with such varied ways of being regenerated  — but, believe it or not, there is one singular favorite place of restoration that we ALL hold in common — Can you guess what that might be???




Simply entering the building itself brings some folks instant comfort… the comfortable familiarity of the sanctuary, recalling special worship experiences there over the years, the sense of being surrounded by an immense “cloud of witnesses.”  


But what really “restores the soul” is the sacred energy of what takes place within those walls…

        the weekly worship — amazing preaching, music, prayer, sharing communion,

           singing Shalom and feeling the presence of fellow parishioners beside you,

              caring hugs, sharing the joys and concerns of our week with one another,

                  lingering after the service, sharing coffee and goodies,

                      youth activities, meetings of all kinds, fund raising together, OUTREACH!,

                          working to be a safe church for all — welcoming EVERYONE, bar none,

                              BEING LOVE IN THE WORLD — — together. ♥️

There is a brand-new song which we will hear our choir sing this Sunday — it is the WORLD PREMIERE of    “I LOVE TO BE IN THIS PLACE” — with both music and text written by our own KEN SHUEY!!!  (no music link  - you have to come to hear it sung!)


Dedicated to NMCC, he reflects upon some of the ways in which he feels restored by our little church at the circle…


“This house is a holy place.  I’m so happy when I’m here!

The love that I feel is renewed in me and I know God is always near.

I love to be in this place… in this house with God’s sweet grace…

With friends we sing and pray — I love to be in this place!



How I love — oh how I love — how my soul flies with the dove,

And my joy to be alive abides — how I love to be in this place.


I love to be in this place, with the beauty of the earth around me

Where nature sings of love, where my heart is purified and free.



I love to be in this place, at this table with loves so dear,

Sharing our daily bread — how I love to be in this place.”


Looking forward to seeing you at our favorite sacred place on Sunday!

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