Ha, Ha ha-ha, Ha ! (said in a sing-song voice…) I’m RIGHT — you’re WRONG!! You eat HUMBLE PIE!!!
How many times in your life have you heard some variation of this??? Chances are that you felt humiliated, embarrassed — AND yes, … humbled … A yukky feeling.
Is that what the prophet Micah had in mind when he talked about “walking humbly with our God?” Definitely NOT!!
TRUE humility is NOT associated with “meekness” or “timidity” or feeling “less than…”
Quite the opposite!
The word stems from the Latin “humilitas” which means to be — GROUNDED.
· Humble people are confident and self-assured.
· They take their roles and responsibilities seriously.
· Because they are comfortable with who they are in themselves, they recognize and value the strengths in those around them.

GENEROSITY and GRATITUDE are important qualities to them.
· They are not threatened by others — in fact, they experience JOY in recognizing the achievements of other people!
· Humble people make the best leaders — They attract other people to themselves and lead by being inspiring …
· Humble people admit their mistakes — and ask forgiveness…
· They are respectful of EVERYONE — no exclusions …
· They focus on the strengths and gifts of OTHERS …
· They are self-aware — and seek advice and others’ input

HUMILITY is actually a SUPER STRENGTH — Guaranteed to bring out the best in you and in all those around you!
Jesus himself is the ultimate example of humility. He never lifted up own self-importance, but always concentrated on glorifying God — and on bringing out the best in everyone he met.
There is a wonderful old spiritual entitled “Live-a-Humble” which our choir’s tenors and basses are going to sing this Sunday in worship . Click on this link to listen now — and better yet, come to church and hear it in person!